Dreamwalk Macro’d

“Editing is the same as quarrelling with writers – same thing exactly.”
Harold Ross

Dreamwalk Macro’d

Dreamwalk is a great Druid spell to take us home. It already has a nice visual with it’s beam of light and the moon.

Since the spell is likely sitting on our action bar, let’s jazz it up.

#showtooltip Dreamwalk
/use Everlasting Alliance Firework
/use Pendant of the Scarab Storm
/cast Dreamwalk

I like this combination a lot, it is flasy without being too over-the-top. The fireworks fade before you leave but the Pendant does not. Any instant spell toy could be inserted here, like a Bubble Wand.

8 thoughts on “Dreamwalk Macro’d

  1. I bet you know this but other readers might not – Dreamwalk will also return you to near where you were before you used it if you use it from the Dreamgrove. It works in Dungeons and in the Broken Isles, just like Death Gate.

    Liked by 1 person

  2. I´ve never been great with those kind of macros, thank you for the inspiration and for sharing! Looking forward to dive into your site 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

  3. What have you done to me. My entire – used to be very clean- interface is now filled with tons of toys and macros in the making 😀 😛

    Liked by 1 person

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